Tools For Content Marketing

12 Tools for increase Impact of Content Marketing

Great content helps increase sales and traffic. But it should be visible and searchable by the right people or else it’s worthless. Social media today is one of the most promising ways to promote content. One might be probably using social media marketing in some form. But when it is combined with content, the results can be tremendous. So, let’s move ahead to check some of the social media tools which would help you in content marketing. These will save you time and will expose your content to a greater number of people. Let’s move ahead and look at some of the tools for content marketing one by one.

  1. LinkedIn Elevate– If you’re in the B2B space, a huge number of people are interested in sharing your content: your employees! Your employees are connected with others in the same field on LinkedIn, and you can leverage their connections to help with your content marketing using LinkedIn. Having your employees pitch in can be a huge benefit to your business. The voices of employees are more authentic than a corporate brand’s marketing pitch and passionate workers encourage others to believe your company’s claims. Elevate provides a solid system to increase employee sharing.
  2. Viral Content Bee– This isn’t any scam site that lets you buy Facebook shares or Twitter retweets. It doesn’t violate the policies of these social networks. Instead, you get to see the great content you’d love to share with your followers. The list is based on the types of content you’re interested in. Rather than scouring the web for relevant articles, they’re sent right to you. You’ll choose the articles that look the most interesting for your audience and share them. By doing so, you earn points. These points can then be used to submit your own content. If others appreciate your work, they’ll share it as well! Of course, there is no guarantee but if you write high-quality content and submit your best pieces, more people are guaranteed to see it.
  3. eClincher– Many times marketers don’t promote their content on social media seconds after writing a post. Sometimes they forget even if it contains time-sensitive information. It might take a few hours or even a few days. This is especially problematic for updates or anything related to current events. The number of people who use social media for news every week is increasing steadily. These people are eager to read time-sensitive updates, and you need to meet the demand. If you’re waiting to publish links on social media, you’re missing out on an opportunity. Thus, here eClincher can be used which will post those articles. eClincher offers a lot of features, but the one we’re most interested in is the RSS-to-share feature. If you run a blog, it updates the RSS feed each time you post. This is immediate and automatic. eClincher recognizes each time your RSS feed updates with a new piece of content, and it posts that content to social media. Even better, eClincher works on almost every social platform imaginable. You can take a trial before opting for paid.
  4. ClickToTweet– Influencer marketing is a must today. Even if someone with thousands or millions of Twitter followers loves your content, they might not promote it. You need to make it as easy as possible. ClickToTweet lets you post a link or a button that automatically writes a tweet for those influencers to use.
  5. Quuu– Every good content marketer knows that you can’t just post your own content. Sometimes, you need to take a break and distribute others’ content that supports your cause. It boosts your credibility and provides a different point of view. Instead of spending all your time searching for new content, let Quuu guide you. Quuu saves your time by sending you relevant pieces to share on social media. You can also submit your content, and it’ll be shared by others.
  6. Edgar– Edgar is different than most social media posting programs, like Buffer or Hootsuite. Those programs allow you to post in advance, which is great! But Edgar goes a step further. You create a calendar, and Edgar will choose content and post it automatically. You don’t need to browse the archives each time you want to post something new. Instead, spend a few hours and add content to those categories.
  7. WordSwag– Instagram has made the image quote very popular. Instead of hiring an in-house graphic designer, you can just use WordSwag. WordSwag lets you quickly and easily create Instagram-like graphics for your content. All you need to do is take a short bit of text from a blog post. Type it into WordSwag, and it will present you with different templates.
  8. Animoto– If you want to create authentic, professional-looking videos fast, Animoto is for you. The reason most content marketers don’t include video is simple: it takes too much time. There’s also pressure to get the lighting right, shoot in HD, and have the background look attractive and orderly. In the end, it seems like too much work, and most content marketers never get around to producing the videos they know they should. Animoto has a set of features that eliminate these problems. Instead of complicated video or filming, Animoto encourages you to use images. But these aren’t just animated slideshows. Animoto includes scrolling, zooming, upbeat music, and overlay text that bring a new level of movement to your still pictures. The final products resemble the ever-viral videos on Facebook that cover short, unusual topics. Since the videos have text overlays and soundtrack, there’s no need for voiceover work. You’ll also be able to create a square video that fits perfectly with Facebook and Instagram.
  9. Powtoon– PowToon has a simple interface that allows you to drag and drop shapes and animations. The software even has custom templates you can use to quickly create any type of video. Thou the service is available free there is a certain limitation as the free version will have ‘Powtoon’ watermark but you always have the option to upgrade based on your requirements.
  10. Oktopost– If you want to start tracking the ROI of your social media strategy, you need a way to track conversions. Unfortunately, this feature is not available for most social platforms. Thus Oktopost provides a system for that. Oktopost focuses on providing analytics for your social media efforts. You can create leads funnel over here.
  11. PostPlanner– With PostPlanner, you can use big data to improve your social media campaigns. Instead of making assumptions about what will work, you can start basing your content marketing on analytics. It works in a few steps where First, you’ll track your competitors’ social media accounts. Focus on companies, individuals, and brands that are doing a great job. PostPlanner will then gather all the information from those feeds automatically. You get to see what content provides the best engagement. Using that data, you can create your own content or share what’s popular. Using this data-driven approach, you can easily refine your content marketing strategy. You can find new trends before your competitors, craft content based on those trends, and promote it on social media.
  12. Tweriod– Generally a telemarketer calls during dinner because they know you’re at home. If your social media promotion is meant to drive new clients and customers, similarly you need to make sure they’re “home” digitally. The best time to post on social media depends heavily on your goals, your target demographic, and which platform you’re using. But you don’t have to figure it out on your own. That is where Tweriod can be helpful. Tweriod connects to your Twitter account and searches through your tweets and those of your followers. It tracks trends, like which posts get the most feedback and what times your followers are usually online. After a few hours (depending on your number of posts and followers), you’ll get a detailed report. Tweriod will provide you specific times that work best to post from your account. Instead of accidentally Tweeting when nobody is reading, reach followers when they’re most likely to engage.


So these are few tools which will help you in increasing the reach of content marketing. If you think there are more which should have been added to the list. Do comment below. Share it if you find it informative.


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